Rampton CareRing - Wellbeing
Infectious disease outbreaks, like the current Coronavirus (COVID-19), can be scary and can affect our mental health. There are many things we can do to support and manage our wellbeing during such times. We hope that you might find some of the following resources useful.
Mental Health and wellbeing - adults

NHS 111 If you are in a crisis Cambridge has a mental health first response team - easily accessed by dialling 111 and selecting option 2 for mental health
Keep Your Head brings together reliable information on mental health and wellbeing for children, young people and adults across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.
Tips from the Mental Health Foundation specifically for the Coronavirus outbreak
MIND Coronavirus and your wellbeing
The Samaritans Free 24-hour support helpline Telephone: 116 123
WeMeditate - Live-streamed, guided meditation sessions. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 7.00 pm
Silverline telephone befriending service for over 60s
Autistic Health and Wellbeing - a space for people with autism to share the things that they have found helpful and healing
Self help resources for mental health problems
Qwell Adults who live in Cambridge are eligible to sign-up for a free account with Qwell, an online counselling and wellbeing platform. Quell provides:
Chat-based counselling
Peer support
Self-help resources
Articles and posts from experts and users
The Qwell service is requires no referral, and is free and available all day, everyday. Counsellors are online and available between 12pm and 10pm on weekdays and between 6pm and 10pm on weekends
Mental Health and wellbeing - children

Keep children safe online with this great guide for parents
Great Ormond Street's Power of Play giving children the power to cope with whatever life throws at them
Keep Your Head brings together reliable information on mental health and wellbeing for children, young people and adults across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.
Coronavirus - a Book for Children. This is good for any of our kids who need help understanding what is going on - recommended by a consultant paediatrician friend.
Childrens' Guide to the Coronavirus from the Children's Commissioner. The guide aims to answer children’s questions about coronavirus, tell children how to stay safe and protect other people and how to help them make the best of their time at home.
Childline coronavirus advice Also a free helpline that children can call any time to talk about any worries they might have. Telephone: 0800 1111
Young Minds A charity which supports young people’s mental health with advice on what to do if you are feeling anxious
British Psychological Society Advice on talking to children about illness
Contact Information for parents of disabled children
Working from Home

7 Simple Tips to tackle working from home from NHS Every Mind Matters
Tips for supporting yourself and your team from MIND
Mental Health Foundation's advice on looking after your mental health while working during Coronavirus
A guide to home working from Safety and Health Practioner
Working from home advice from our good friend Lara A King (great comedian and singer too!)
Other support

The National Autistic Society Coronavirus resources for people with autism, and their families
Get Sober Free, online support for anyone struggling with alcohol addiction and staying sober during this period
Cruse bereavement counselling