For our future events please see Rampton Village Hall's WHAT'S ON page.
We run community events to encourage social cohesion within our village whilst raising funds to support community projects and provide community resources.
An annual Christmas Dinner is prepared for all Rampton Over 60s followed by an evening of entertainment. We currently provide full support for Rampton CarCare users making every trip free of charge and, working together with the Rampton Christmas Fairies, we also provide funding for monthly Community mini-bus trips.
We have purchased good quality pop-up gazebos, champagne flutes, and costume storage boxes as free to loan community resources and are currently working to fund environmental projects and support for our younger villagers.
CarCare provides free journeys for residents of Rampton to attend medical appointments, i.e. GP appointments, hospitals, dentists, chiropodist, opticians, vets (if willing driver available, all animals must be secured in car)
Open to all adult residents of Rampton and neighbouring villages. No requirement to attend every meeting, just come when you wish! Cake and biscuits available. We aim to have a speaker once a month. For our full itinerary please see Rampton Village Hall's WHAT'S ON page.
We meet fortnightly in Rampton Village Hall from 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.. Cost is £2 per session - cash please.
The Rampton Christmas Fairies are a small group of volunteers who strive to make Christmas in Rampton special! To raise funds we organise various social events throughout the year that are inclusive to all. We also help to run joint events with other village groups where we work together cohesively for the benefit of the village.